Here’s some of my favorite images I took on vacation with my Infrared camera (a Canon 10D I had converted) while in Pittsburgh, PA

My totally cute nephew, Grant

And equally cute niece, Paige

From Mexico: Día de los Muertos

My beautiful sister, Kat

I loved using her home and garden for infrared pictures

She has a bunch of the cutest shoes!

My daughter Annelise and Sister, Kat in Pittsburgh, PA

My nephew, Joe, demonstrating “the agony of defeat”

Kat in front of the old stone house in Ohio

One of my favorites.  I love how she is lounging with the dogs on the old fashioned couch.

The old stone house, Fredericktown, Ohio

Brother-in-law Scott, Chloe, Aidan and Sister Mary

They wanted a family portrait, but we made it much more interactive because I didn’t want them looking at the camera, because with infrared your eyes turn black!
Kat at home with her awesome kitchen window
On the drive to Ohio
The back door of the old stone house in Ohio
I love this one with her in the sunlight and the dogs looking out the window
Funny how they all called this a “creek”   I think of a creek like what I have behind my house.  They were all tubing down this!
The upper portion before the rapids
Kat doing that thing that she does so well
An old wooden suspension bridge.  A lot scarier than it looks to cross!

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